Monday, May 10, 2010

The Bold Slider, Do We Like This?

This past weekend, something groundbreaking happened, the first semi-official shots of the forthcoming BlackBerry Bold 9800 Slider were leaked onto the web via the geniuses at BoyGeniusReport. We've seen some blurry shots of this device for quite some time but we finally got some clear ones and reviews are more positive now than they were before.

For starters, it is official that the 9800 will be a Bold line device due to the branding on the back side which definitely gave it some more credibility. Its sporting the optical trackpad and a touch screen (not sure if its SurePress like the Storm line....hopefully not) and the keyboard is basically the same as the Bold 9700 which definitely gives it some cool points. Its also sporting OS 6.0 which is definitely something we all want to get our hands on.

I hate to say it but after seeing these new shots, I am definitely excited about this device. Obviously I'll need to hold it in my own two hands first but this could possibly be a device I may be interested in. Bold lovers, do you agree? Post your thoughts after the break.

Photo Credit: Engadget, BGR